Capability Metrics Spot Trouble in Any Manufacturing Process
by Richard W. Miller, Ph.D.
Capability Metrics: What Are They?
There are four commonly used capability metrics: Ppk, Pp, Cpk and Cp. While each, as you’ll see, is different, generically, they can all be defined as follows:
Capability Metric = Specification Range / Variation
or metaphorically, as the Width of your Garage / Width of your Car. In both cases, the larger is the value of the ratio, the better the performance of the process. And, I can make the ratio larger by widening the specification range (or my garage width) or narrowing the variation (or buying a smaller car). Notice too, the numerator of the capability metric is something imposed on the process, while the denominator is something inherent to the process. The one, mathematically, has nothing to do with the other.
The four above capability metrics tell one a lot about where the process typically operates, its ultimate capability (without major adjustment) and the nature of the product that the customer is receiving. They are defined as follows:
Ppk = The smaller of {(Upper Specification Limit – Population Mean) or (Population Mean – Lower Specification Limit)} / 3 * Long-Term Sigma
Pp = {Upper Specification Limit – Lower Specification Limit) / 6 * Long-Term Sigma
Cpk = The smaller of {(Upper Specification Limit – Population Mean) or (Population Mean – Lower Specification Limit)} / 3 * Short-Term Sigma
Cp = {Upper Specification Limit – Lower Specification Limit) / 6 * Short-Term Sigma
The difference between Cp and Pp lies in the nature of sigma and between Cpk and Cp (and Ppk and Pp) the adequacy of the targeting. For a centered process, a Cp or Pp value bears the following relationship to its variation:
· Cp (Pp) = 0.5, the Specification Range holds 3 sigma
· Cp (Pp) = 1, the Specification Range holds 6 sigma
· Cp (Pp) = 1.33, the Specification Range holds 8 sigma
· Cp (Pp) = 1.67, the Specification Range holds 10 sigma
More generally, a Specification Range holds Cp * 6 sigma.
Short-Term and Long-Term Sigma
If you think about it, there are many different types of variation inherent to manufacturing a product: the minute-to-minute change in a continuous production line reflecting short-term process and input material variation, the longer-term lot-to-lot variation, even longer term process shifts and drifts, and the measurement system’s own natural variation. If I’m interested in the ultimate capability of a process as it stands, I want to judge that process’ ability to make product in a world where all the longer-term components of variability have been eliminated. What’s then left is the inherent, natural variation of the process. That variability, we call short-term sigma (σST).
Short-term sigma, ideally, would be estimated from replicate measures of product made over short periods of time. In the real world of manufacturing, however, where more often single measures are made for each lot, for each shift or for some longer period, short-term sigma is estimated from the variation in consecutive measures: from something called the two-point absolute moving range. In essence, one calculates the average 2-pt absolute moving range [<MR>2] (10 points would generate nine <MR>2), then estimates σST by dividing <MR>2 by 1.128.
Long-term sigma (σLT), on the other hand, is an estimate of the variation in the product made over some longer time interval. It reflects the process’ drifts and shifts. It’s also the standard sigma that one calculates from entering all the data, e.g., all 10 points in the above example.
If you think about it, σST, Cp and Cpk are measures of process capability, while σLT, Pp and Ppk are measures product capability. The first reflect the “Voice of the Process,” the second the “Voice of the Customer.” Bear in mind, too, that a customer may ask for Cpk when he or she is really interested in Ppk. Of course, one should know all four capability metrics for each of his or her processes.
Process Characterization via Its Capability Metrics
The state of a process can be described by these four capability metrics. Following that insight, a troubleshooting plan can target opportunities for improvement. For a typical process, Cp{Process} > Cpk > Pp > Ppk{Customer}. The left-side is more inherent to the process; the right-side more important to the customer. The following general conclusions apply to most processes:
· Cp>>Cpk (Pp>>Ppk) then process targeting is the issue
· Cp>>Pp (Cpk>>Ppk) the long-term variation is the issue
· Cp<<1 then the process itself or the measurement system is the issue
· Pp>1 then < 0.32% of product is out of spec
· Pp>1.33 then < 0.0091% of product is out of spec
· Pp>1.67 then < 0.0000007% of product is out of spec
Examples: Ash Content Capability of a Compounding Process
The following four sets of charts provide ash content capability metrics for various polymer products. In all cases, lot-to-lot based estimates of σST were used though in many cases the time between lots could be several weeks. Notice how these four capability metrics add insight to the manufacturing process. Once one understands the process ramifications of capability metrics the next step would be to develop improvement plans: for example, better targeting, reducing long-term and short-term variation, and improving and validating the measurement system. I’ll add further comment below each chart.
This chart shows a major increase in variation after the 13th point, as the blue drifting line (σLT related) tracks the process drift over time. There’s one bad point (circled) that should be questioned as it has performed differently from the rest of the process. For whatever reason, it’s not part of the same process (a special cause event). The two sets of capability metrics at the bottom show how the four metrics changed once the bad point was eliminated. To improve the process, one would routinely question points that fell beyond 3σST control limits (note, these limits are built with short-term sigma), and one should develop strategies first to understand then reduce σLT so as to improve Ppk and Cpk.
This chart shows a process that has far more drift (blue line). It’s also one that’s badly centered (29.5 versus targeted 30), and that’s led to the large difference between Ppk and Pp (and Cpk and Cp) (right-side data). The two sets of capability metrics show how this process could be expected to run if it were centered better (left side). Improvement plan: better centering, reduce long-term variation, and if a Cp=1.49 was not capable enough, develop strategies to improve short-term sigma (possibly improving the measurement system). In all these cases, when a data point lie outside its 3σST control limits one should try to find out why. That offers one a real chance to learn about (then improve) a process.
This chart shows a process that again has far too much drift. Too, it’s another one that’s badly centered (29.4 versus targeted 30), and that’s led to the large difference between Ppk and Pp (and Cpk and Cp) (right-side data). The two sets of capability metrics show how this process could be expected to run if it were centered better (left side). Improvement plan: better centering and reduce long-term variation. Improving these two components would lead to an extremely capable process.
This chart shows a process that has drifted. It’s also one that’s badly centered (29.6 versus targeted 30), and that’s led to the large difference between Ppk and Pp (and Cpk and Cp) (right-side data). The two sets of capability metrics show how this process could be expected to run if it were centered better (left side). Improvement plan: better centering, reduce long-term variation, and if a Cp=1.48 is not capable enough, try to improve short-term sigma (and possible measurement system).
If you think about it, most processes should evolve as follows: improved targeting then reduced long-term variation (process drifting and shifting) then reduced short-term variation (within machine or position over short periods of time) then improved measurement system. As one continues to improve a process, the measurement system itself will account for more and more of that process’ total variation. More on that another time.
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