"An Approach to Successful Stock Trading Combining Company
  Fundamentals with Chart Technicals"

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TSM Investment / Trading Lessons

 The TSM System of Stock Trading and Cash Investment is Described here in a Series of Trading Lessons.
TSM Lessons
Lesson #5 - The TSM Earnings Play

     I want to tell you about a trading strategy that I use for TSM stocks during earnings season. Specifically, I'm looking for TSM stocks that have just reported earnings either the night before or the morning before today's open.  Further, I'm looking for the TSM stock that reacted badly to the report by diving at the open.

     Simply put, I'm going to identify likely areas of support (major moving averages, areas of prior highs or lows and possibly major Fibonacci levels).  Before the open, maybe the night before, I'll place a buy order at or just above the support and then hope to catch the fall.

     Well KORS was just such a play, strong fundamentals, particularly low PEG ratios.  It dove at the open over the first 15 minutes, ran through my buy price, then rebounded.  In a three hour period, KORS had rebounded by $4.5.


  • Quality stocks (TSM stocks fit the bill)

  • Good areas of support

  • Good institutional support evident in the quality of screens the stock holds membership in.

Every Sunday, I put together a list of TSM stocks that will report during the week, along with their fundamentals.  Further, I list the winners with explanation on the main TSM page.