In addition to the TSM stock trades, most daily reports will contain a list of potential Naked Put Positions. This list is chosen to meet return (> 10 percent annualized) and downside protection (from 5 to 15 percent depending on time to expiration) criteria. Usually, from one to 10 opportunities are presented as the best from the 1,000s available for this group of TSM stocks.
Find a Subscriber's Introduction
here and a
report on the Short Put Trade
If you're interested in learning Day-Trading Methodology, particularly for TSM
stocks, the "
Day-Trading Edge" provides statistical
edges that are constantly being developed. For example, over 52 trading
days between 11/05/07 and 1/18/08, 80 percent of the time AAPL made either its
high or low of the day in its first hour of trading. And over 80 percent of the
time AAPL traded at least $1 higher and $1 lower than its prior day's close.
Both provide trading edges important to the day trader, as I write this (04/11/08), TSM
has developed six such trading edges. Others are sure to come. So, how has the TSM
approach performed? Very well is the simple answer. Over a 45-quarter
period between 4th quarter 2003 through 2014, 3,134 half-position trades were forecast (mostly long but a few short and
inverse ETF plays): 2,741 winners and 1,012 losers for a 73
average percent win rate. Find
a complete breakdown by quarters here.
Only one quarter
did the TSM approach actually lose money (-6.22 percent in 3rd Q or
'03). The average trade lasted 6.7 days, and a $35,000
account would have grown to $2,909,493 (6,560 percent return) while
the S&P gained 112 percent over the same period. See Results
for further
information. Finally,
take a look at the "Trader's Corner."
It offers a series of articles aimed at teaching the components of the TSM approach.
Is TSM the "golden goose" that will make you
millions? No. TSM is a sound approach to
picking quality stocks for longs. Its Short Put
strategy is a sound strategy to earn a decent return on your
pile of cash (in today's market something you cannot do
easily other places). Even so, it's stringent trade
management criteria (profit and stop-loss targets for 1/2
position trades) result in profit only 73 percent of the
time. Albeit, over 98 percent of the picks are
profitable during the trade's life but some 27 percent don't meet the TSM
profit target and get stopped out for a loss. The market's true
"golden goose" is sound trade management. Don't let
anyone ever tell you different.
The most foolish refrain heard concerning
stock investment: "It's a quality company, and its stock
price will recover. I'll just hold and wait this
temporary downturn out!"
Good luck and good trading,
Ric Miller,
Ph.D. and Master 6-Sigma Master Black Belt
Statistician Returns 2003 (4th quarter) through 2017: With the close of 2013's 4th quarter, let's summarize all 45 complete quarters in which long trades have been forecasted since 9/15/03. Results are in the accompanying Chart and Table. The TSM approach primarily buys undervalued, fundamentally sound stocks giving quality technical entry points: primarily pullbacks. Each entry is accompanied by profit and loss exit points: two for profit, as shown in an earlier chart above. Truthfully, the TSM approach is at its best in a bullish,
trending market, but having said that, it
performed very well in 2008, a time when the S&P
dropped 38% It's based on a sound
combination of technical and fundamental
criteria that are hard to beat. A complete
49-quarter record is shown in the following
TripleScreenMethod (TSM) Methodology and Results for 2003 to 2011 are provided as an example.